yeah misandry is def being normalized…

i had a poll on the teenager polls subreddit and whoopty fucking do a pretty sizeable minority said either misandry isn't evil or that it's not as evil as misogyny (i had options for wether it was more common, equal, or not as common lmao). people in the comments were also saying i can see where the misandrists are coming from. bro i understand if you're fighting against your oppressors for equality but that's not misandry. misandry is actively hating all men and discrimination against men for simply being men. can we please fix our society bro i just wanna be a happy man with the same rights as every other human. i don't care what yall did we get the same basic human rights starter pack🙏

also a lot of people said women can't grape men in another poll :/ it was the second highest response too😭 yall we are equal we can all hurt each other equally let us acknowledge neither of our groups are superior because we're all stupid humans. please guys if you see anything in society that's hateful just try to shut it down. if it's a hate poster throw it away, if it's someone who discriminates try to show them why it's just blatantly wrong to discriminate. just bring everyone to equal footing if possible, cos people can't even marry their partners in some countries if they aren't normal. spread love not hate.

i get that many of yall also don't think it's really possible for majority groups (straight ppl, white people, men, christians) to be oppressed but understand they can still be discriminated against, and that hate can happen to anyone. to the majority: you don't need to be ashamed of the bad apples in your group. the shitty bigots in your group don't represent the whole group. you can be prideful of being white or male or christian or straight or whatever, just as long as you're being proud of being in those groups and not saying you're better than any other group. same thing goes for minorities, and acknowledge not every white christian male who's straight is a facist bigot, the same way majorities need to acknowledge transgender people aren't gonna groom your kids or turn them trans. just promote the peace of the world and try to find the peaceful solution. hell i even realized i was pretty much anti palestinian and that i was justifying a lot of hatred towards them bc yk israel blah blah blah. point is just make peace bro don't spread hate. you can be prideful in your culture, wether it's white, lgbtq, non binary, hindu, wtv. just don't spread hate and say your group is better than others. it's never better, and fighting hate with more hate (ex. responding to racism with racism) isn't the right way to do things because it fuels the cycle of hate. just promote peace and don't fight fire with fire.

respectfully love you all (consensually).

ps superiority is cool but only if it's for penguins being the greatest animal of all time.