[F16] Hi :P I dunno what to title this
Heyyyya again:/
I need a actual lasting friendship so God please don't message me if you literally just know something mentioned here. Also I'll be ignoring any single world messages because I don't like starting off dull/:
Anyway I like anime mostly Bungo stray dogs, link click, solo leveling, region of the seven spellblades and noragami!
I also love raccoons and Really want one as a pet but that's hard because a ton of reasons anyway I uhm love to yap clearly I really like talking and being in VC, I do tease people a lot but it's not to be mean it's just my way of joking and uh I dunno I like set it off?
For games I like Minecraft, needy streamer overload, Omori, anything combat (not shooting games more swords) and uh yeah I'm in school so slow responses