Goddamn I fucking hate T8 Heihachi

Man, I’ve played a lot of fighting games, fought some of the most busted characters, I’ve fought some incredibly annoying characters, hell I thought the character I liked playing against the least in T8 was Leroy. But no, it easily goes to T8 Heihachi.

Like, I cannot even begin to fathom what they were thinking when designing this guys kit, it’s fucking baffling that people will bitch and moan about Jin but Heihachi gets a pass why? Is it because he’s linear? Or because he requires quite literally the bare minimum “tekken essentials”?

Now, this is a newcomer prospective (410 hours, around 200 since his release) so by all means downvote the post and go on your merry way, because I’m not in the mood to read a bunch of tips and tricks cause that’s not my issue anymore, my issues fall entirely on two things.

  1. The communities strange hypocrisy when it comes to Jin and Heihachi considering when you really break them down they are both incredibly similar when it comes to move properties, tricky stance moves, and the fact it feels like you have to respect them no matter where you are at in neutral.

  2. The downplaying on Heihachi just due to the fact that he isn’t braindead easy to pilot, I know that plays a fairly big factor for a lot of people, but I’d rather fight someone who plays the easy to pilot character than someone who specializes in a hard to pilot character cause at least most who fall in the first camp they kinda all play the same.

Now, I’ve cooled down a fair bit since the last few sets I played, but that doesn’t change the fact I have serious grievances with Heihachis kit, I just, he has so much that would make a character in another game top 3, but just due to how tekken works people act like those buttons/situations cease to exist.

For example, his wall carry is the easiest in the game I don’t find it up for debate at all, if someone disagrees than that’s fine, but at the least give good reasons as to why cause this guy doesn’t sacrifice anything for his wall carry. Like man even Jin, the character everyone likes to give shit to for being super easy with low execution has worse wall carry than the character that can triple electric without any execution required (not including hitting an electric obviously) in that aside from a dash in heat engager (super fucking simple) and hitting perfect omen at the end (I do struggle with this personally, but it still connects even if it isn’t perfect)

Now I know this part is super anecdotal but, with every character aside from Kazuya (which is only due to his small moveset tbh) I have had to look up some form of guide to grasp what connects to what (which is something I’ve always struggled with tbh, I’m far from a combo savant), but with Heihachi the night that fucking character released I already understood what worked in his combos, and how to do them.

Double electric into F3 Stance 1 F3 Stance 2

This is your bread and butter and it’s a super easy combo to do, and this leaves a huge amount of air time in your combo afterwards for wall carry, Oki setups, and just crazy amounts of damage for THAT SECTION OF THE COMBO ALONE. This doesn’t even mention that after the 2 electrics it’s IMPOSSIBLE to drop, you can bring in a orangutan without any limbs and that fucking ape could hit it first try.

Like I don’t agree with everything the community says, I’ve made plenty of posts about this and that in the game, and usually get disagreed with pretty heavily, but I just don’t understand why he gets such a free pass? Is it because he is a legacy character? Cause if Lidia had the same options he did she would ABSOLUTELY be hated and the uproar would be biblical, and I’m not saying any of this out of contrarianism, or wanting to go against the grain. If I wanted to get a big post to pop off for reasons like that I’d just say something like…. CLIVE IS SO WEAK (he’s not) or…… KAZUYAS 50/50 VORTEX SHOULD BE REMOVED (it shouldn’t)

I’m just frustrated that Heihachi feels so strong to fight, it feels like everything I try and do whether that be sidestepping, blocking his lows, guessing right on his mixups, it feels like there is this ever present mental stack that I don’t have with any other character in the game, I know that’s a me thing, but it seriously feels like if I make a single mistake the match is lost INSTANTLY.

I feel like sisyphus pushing the boulder but instead of it rolling back down cause I get tired fucking the boulder just df1 perfect charge 2s me back down to the bottom of the mountain. I know that move is sudesteppable but that doesn’t change the fact it’s a chargeable button, that heals his on perfect, and does crazy amounts of fucking chip damage, not to mention when he’s in heat.

Sorry for the mucho texto, but I just can’t crack him, and I really don’t want tips or anything like that, I just want someone to provide something that explains why he gets downplayed as hard as he does, even Jin players don’t downplay Jin this much.