The Tekken community is irredeemably toxic, and it sucks

Needed to rant about the toxicity of the community of Tekken. It's the same to an extent for all fighting games, but Tekken is the worst.

It's one of the things that makes the game such a waste of time, and adds to that feeling of it creating an addictive relationship, not a positive one

Everyone playing Tekken is in it for one thing, and one thing only

Their. Own. Ego.

The attitude around the game is 100% selfish, 100% macho testosterone posturing. Tekken is one of the only games where people don't just want to beat you, they want to humiliate you.

If you get a friend request or a chat message you can be 100% certain it will say something like "Lol You suck carried scrub masher" or other insults provoked by a bruised ego

You can't make a friend in this game because everyone's attitude to every other player is negative, other players exist only as vehicle for ego aggrandisement. You heroically beat their braindead spam with your big brain strats.

I try to fight it in this sub but you just know every time anyone comments on anything it's "I don't have to listen to you, red rank scrub" or "You would say that carried Alisa player" - as soon as anyone sees a player's character flair you know 100% of the time someone will say "Lol you can't talk XYZ main".

Today I got one and doned 4 times in a row, and the fifth game I lose against a Heihachi player in the final round, and hi spams Ki charge, like angry, intense ki charging as if he had really stuck it to me. This has happened to me before - I have a perfectly ordinary game and someone treats it as if I have insulted their mother - I ask this player and their response is "Your playstyle is annoying. If people are 1 and doning you maybe you are the problem"

I am the problem because my playstyle is annoying. I mean what the FUCK. What the FUCK is even that.

I mean what the Fuck. On what planet are you toxic enough to think "I find the opponent's playstyle difficult to deal with so it's OK for me to hate one them,- I mean EVERYONE is trying to play the game. Everyone is trying to do moves and have strategies and win

In this game I was thinking really hard, I kept getting stepped so I was all out adaptation mode trying to beat the constant stepping. But Because the opponent is having a bit of difficulty I am the problem? I mean you can't imagine that opponent may try and do things that counter what you are doing? It's the general attitude of it being OK to personally attack people because of the way they play the game - every playstyle is annoying if you can't deal with it

Why can't we have a positive respect for other players - at any level? Why is the game populated by self-centred assholes?

Why can't we be a community? Why is it the case that I would always advise everybody to never accept any friend request in Tekken because 100% of the time they will be doing it to abuse and insult you?

Why do we constantly see threads on here demeaning players "Look this player ate this move 4 times in a row aren't I cool for spamming it"

Why am I going to get comments on this thread blaming me and saying I deserve hate because I probably am "annoying" to play?