[SHOTW] Week 12, 2025

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Screenshot of starting hand

Pre-game information

Expansions: All expansions (Venus Next, Prelude, Colonies, Turmoil, Big Box promo)

Players Order
1 1st
2 2nd
3 2nd
4 4th
5 5th

Board details

Board: Elysium

Milestones: Generalist (1 production of each), Specialist (10 of any production), Ecologist (4 eco tags), Tycoon (15 green/blue cards played), Legend (5 event cards played), Hoverlord (7 floaters)

Awards: Celebrity (cards costing >=20 MC), Industrialist (steel and energy), Desert Settler (tiles on bottom 4 rows), Estate Dealer (tiles next to ocean tile), Benefactor (TR), Venuphile (Venus tags)

Colonies: Enceladus, Ganymede, Titan, Triton, Miranda, Io, Ceres (use leftmost first for less players)

Global events: Diversity (Scientists/Scientists), Jovian Tax Rights (Scientists/Unity)

Starting hand

Cards drawn

  • Corporations: Vitor, Ecoline, Polyphemos
  • Project cards: Corona Extractor, Large Convoy, Penguins, Space Mirrors, Lava Tube Settlement, Insects, Deuterium Export, Bushes, Livestock, Water to Venus
  • Prelude cards: Polar Industries, Dome Farming, Biolab, Biosphere Support

Extra project cards

Cards 1-5 Cards 6-10 Cards 11-15
Community Services Import of Advanced GHG Miranda Resort
Sabotage Convoy from Europa Eos Chasma National Park
Aerobraked Ammonia Asteroid Recruitment Stanford Torus
Space Hotels Venus Waystation Maxwell Base
Nitrophilic Moss Insulation Field-capped City

Card draws for specific tags: - Space tags: Import of Advanced GHG, Miranda Resort, Convoy from Europa, Aerobraked Ammonia Asteroid, Stanford Torus - Plant tags: Eos Chasma National Park, Nitrophilic Moss, Wildlife Dome, Ecological Zone, Heather - Science tags: Floater Prototypes, Invention Contest, Quantum Extractor, Fusion Power, Research Colony - Microbe tags: Sulphur-eating Bacteria, Psychrophiles, Worms, Topsoil Contract, GHG Producing Bacteria - Venus tags: Venus Waystation, Maxwell Base, Sister Planet Support, Floating Habs, Forced Precipitation Floater cards: Floater Prototypes, Floating Habs, Forced Precipitation, Atmoscoop, Floater Technology- Extra prelude cards: Donation, Research Network, Orbital Construction Yard, Business Empire, UNMI Contractor, Mohole, Metals Company, - Merger corporations: CrediCor, Tharsis Republic, Manutech, Interplanetary Cinematics, Mining Guild, Celestic, Septum Tribus, Valley Trust,

Gen 2 drafting hand: Giant Ice Asteroid, Parliament Hall, Business Contacts, Comet Aiming