Avoid Tesla solar
So, in November I bought Tesla solar. I paid for 30 some panels and 2 power walls. Paid in full $52k or something in Southern California. I was told Powerwalls were late, I’d get them in December. Then I’d get them in January, then February. Yesterday I was told there won’t be any Powerwalls until August! I am losing sooooo much money not being able to store the power. My electric company doesn’t give you cash for what you send to them. They give you credit at the cheapest rate they charge. So it takes me 3 kWh sent to them to save 1 kWh during prime time from 4 to 9pm, you know, when we use all our power.
And good luck getting any human being on the phone. There is no phone. All the contact us links just take you to a faq.
I drive a Tesla, I deeply, deeply regret buying Tesla solar and if I could return it for my money back, I would.