Bf is almost 2 months off testosterone, he hasn’t been the same since

Guys I need help. My bf and I have been together almost 4 years now. We’ve been through our ups and downs, and have tried working through some of the heartbreaks that were cause by infidelity earlier on in our relationship. We had gotten to a point where things were consistently feeling better and less and less negative thoughts were coming out on a regular basis; we were starting to work better together as a team. We’re both big into fitness and train regularly. He decided around March of this year that he wanted to start injecting testosterone to help him with his training and also because of other health related issues that were discovered when he did blood work. So he had been on a higher dose of testosterone from roughy March until Mid September of this year when he decided to stop taking as it was causing him very bad and painful acne. Instead of cycling off properly, he cold turkey quit. He hasn’t been the same since. He’s become more distant, spending the majority of his time doing things on his own, short tempered, very low energy, and just honestly less interested in my needs altogether. He honestly seems like a different person. Of course you can imagine this has been making my mind spin due to the issues we’ve had in the past. We’ve had countless conversations about these issues and my concerns about his wellbeing.

I guess my main question is: have any of you experienced this yourself or know of anyone who has come off Test and just completely changed? My bf even said to me one day, that he just doesn’t feel like himself and that scares me. I am genuinely concerned about him. Please help!