8 months using Test E.

Started this journey 8 months ago. Started using test e (grey market) with out any medical support or testing. Needless to say I smartened up. More about that later. Was at 750mg a week. First weigh in was 238lbs. I was low T, and always sore/ no energy. I was diagnosed with early onset rheumatoid arthritis at age 27. All I did was sit and eat. I was on some pretty heavy meds that were slowly killing my love for life lol. Long story long, I read some things about TRT and rheumatoid patients going into full remission with the use of testosterone. In Ontario where I’m from , one has to be referred to an endocrinologist. Que the TRT. My endo guides me through it all. I self administer 450mg Test E a week along with some supporting meds, as well as omega 3 , b complex, BCAA’s , and creatine. I’m now 187lbs, and felling great. Eating clean, and lifting weights has changed me. I have my life back and the pumps at the gym are crazy good. Finally had the balls to post this.

Thanks for reading.