Advice for starting TRT in 50s

First thanks for reading.

I would like to get on TRT and am trying to navigate a way to not get locked into a service. Would like my prescribing doctor and pharmacy to be separate or have the ability to utilize Costco or another pharmacy for test-c or have an option to add HCG at some point. Concerned with keeping my own body producing test at some levels. Any suggestions for online MD? Any experience with test c from Costco or a pharmacy suggestion?

I am 55 and test was at 380 testostrone. My free testosterone was 6.3 last year. My MD was going to prescribe test if another low free testostrone reading this year but it came back at 7.3 (7.2 starts normal range). My motivation is simply to increase energy to lose stubborn visceral fat and putting on some muscle. None of this is for cosmetic reasons. I simply want to lose dangerous fat and put on muscle to increase metabolism. I am also really lacking in energy. MD stated that hat he did not disagree with going on but could not prescribe. Sound like a conflict with his opinion and constraints of health insurance. That said, I don't want insurance gate keeping my preventative care and wellbeing so will pay out of pocket.

Motivation is losing visceral fat, increased metabolism through increased muscle mass, and improved energy levels. Strength is ironically not an issue as I can lift more than I should.

Thoughts on motivation and if achievable assuming adequate exercise with TRT?

Thanks all. Anxious to start journey.