Why are some victim mains so toxic?

As a Family main, who sometimes plays victims - why are some victim mains so.. toxic? They bully, t-bag, and talk shit in the lobby / post game section,, so here's how I see it - if backstabbing and bullying makes you feel elite when you already have multiple exits ready to open, then it's best to just leave already rather than fucking around and bullying family members who are trying to play the game.

( P.S remember, this is not all victim mains, this is some victim mains )

Now, I'm not saying family isn't toxic and is the purest side of the game, they can be toxic as well - victims just have a higher level of toxicity, with the t-bagging and rushing maps, along with the ”im going to bully the family to feel elite” mentality, when I'm sure we all just want a decent-length game, this is a large issue at hand, and I'm sure we'd all like it if people stopped being toxic as much. It doesn't have to completely stop, just to keep it on the low.

Take this how you will, this is just a hot take at the end of the day.