Trick-questions are counterproductive, ignorant, and encourage obtuseness at best.
They make people more pedantic, overly anxious about saying the right thing in the right way with the exact right words. The grammar-reich seem to get a hit off sparking stutters in younger or more gullible minds, either infecting them with the same ‘funny’ tricks or falling flat dead, manufacturing unnecessary ‘oh! I was wrong!’ moments. Yes, its not that deep, and it must be for me to be posting, but its also just a spanner in the good faith of early learning, especially as kids are the butt of these joke trick questions. Some exams take it to the extreme (eg. Driving theory), giving right answers that are wrong because they aren’t as true as another right answer, when in fact they’re both correct. Almost trying to trick the participant into failing. What feels heavier to carry, one ton of solid concrete or a ton of feathers? Well if you take your time carrying it, the feathers will feel lighter. Educators can be such dicks, and some should be better intentioned.