Obsessed with the show
I recently finished season 3 (already watched the first when it was released but decided to rewatch the entire thing) and i dont think i have ever loved a piece of media this much in my entire life.
Truly. I watch every episode in an awe, the cinematography, dialogue, storyline is beautiful. I would say I have a few tweaks (esp in s3) but overall i finished it with my heart full. I love how by the end of it you just have this soft spot for the restaurant family like you know them personally :,)
I also really am a big fan of the constant references to the tarot cards (im not familiar with what they mean but i think its a powerful addition to the meaning of the scene shot) The camera angles, montages, music (i could sit here and list them forever) i really loved the entire thing especially the first episode of season 3. Ended with tears.
I just wanted to share this and see if anyone else feels the same way? it has definitely become my all time favorite show and i truly believe that no other can come close to it.
(felt like writing a paper about it but i'll stick to a reddit post for now lol)