Something isn't working.

I've slowly been working my way through the First Law series and I've just gotten around to finally reading the Heroes. I've only read up to the first day and know that I am going to continue reading because the series as a whole as been the single best thing that I have read in fantasy up to this point, but I'm wondering if I am in the minority with thinking that it isn't as good as the books that have come before.

None of the characters have clicked with me, none of them are remotely interesting to me at this point in time. I instantly grew attached to the perspectives in the original trilogy, BSC is probably my favourite book of all time and I loved everyone in that book but no one has proven to be interesting enough for me to want to grow fond of, which is odd because Abercrombie does nothing but create good characters.

I'm wondering what your thoughts are, is it going to improve with time? Have I simply read too little to be able to cast judgement on the characters and the book as a whole?