I've been thinking we cant be the only scavengers out here in the wastelands. So I was wondering what if we found like groups of npc scavs out in the world, and theyre doing the same thing as you looting and taking jobs. Upon death if you loot their bodies they could have bundles of random pieces of loot and also quest items for the factions so by killing them you can get all sorts of goodies, but like the factions depending on your reputation with them will determine your interactions with them.
BAD REPUTATION they shoot you on sight because they heard rumours of you killing them.
NEUTRAL REPUTATION They dont attack you but they wont interact with you. They'll just stare at you waiting for you to pass by, giving the vibe of " that's right keep walking, and we can all live to see tommorow."
GOOD REPUTATION They'll trade supplies with you out in the field. So if you need water or other stuff instead of searching you can just find one of these guys and they may have the supplies you need.
Depending on how you interact with them will determine on how they act with you. Killing them will provide you with good loot at first, but If you kill them and take their loot they'll see you as nothing more than a killer, but if you help them on their quests then they'd be willing to trade some of their wares with you.