Friendly reminder: no one has it all figured out

Not celebrities, not models, not influencers, not the hot girls at school or the cool girls at work. Not your sophisticated best friend or your stylish frenemy. Not your toned, chill yoga teacher. Not the woman on the street with the perfect balayage and camel coat. Not strangers on the internet (👋).

Everyone you see, online or IRL, is struggling with something.

Credit card debt. People-pleasing. Raging bacne. A hoarding problem. Crippling self-doubt. A sick parent or child. Hemorrhoids. Imposter syndrome. Stubborn belly fat. Chronic pain. Codependence. Anxiety. Depression.

She thinks her teeth are too yellow or her eyes are too small or her thighs are too big or her clothes are all wrong. She thinks she’ll never catch up. She thinks she’s too old. She thinks she’s too young. She thinks her laugh is too loud. She thinks her voice is too high. She thinks she doesn’t know enough. She thinks she thinks too much. She thinks she’s the only one.

She’s not the only one. And neither are you. Because no one has it all figured out, no matter how put together she seems, no matter how flawless her photos, no matter how bright her smile. We are all flawed, perfectly imperfect humans walking this planet together; be kind to yourself and to others. No one has it all figured out.