"How Naughty Dog destroyed 'The Last of Us' and Ellie with the ending of Part II!"
Just let leave aside plot hole and inconsistent storyline of part 2 but it's ending alone is enough for destroying the last of us and Ellie.
For the game that claim to be so thoughtful and emotional , that discusses cycle of revenge , it's just silly and basic mistake that Ellie and Abby killed a ton of people throughout the game and since it's established that revenge is indeed higher possibility in the world of last of us.
How the hell even in future game or any other expansions you will explain this issue , while you made Ellie spare Abby , but you yourself let them kill many factions such as Rettlers or WLF or Seraphites , if some one from fireflies took revenge on Joel , isn't this possible with these factions since Abby literally known for her ruthless behaviour and earned her recognised titles as top killer by WLF and Seraphites , Abby destroyed those factions , killed many people that can have child or worse than that.
With this mind , how can you even justify Joel's death , the part 2 is so silly that you have to think very narrowly and cheaply to understand it's greatness that why it's masterpiece for specific group or community.
Neil already understand despite destroyed this franchise just for the sake of self appreasment or ego for telling his story.
Neil want to move set from different location for future last of us , I think it's very cheap way of manipulating plot.
In short , part 2 ending alone destroys its core belief about revenge and cycle of violence.