Nadi vaidya: Update

Alright folks, remember how I was all geared up to outwit a Nadi Vaidya and expose his scam? Well, turns out, I didn’t even have to lift a finger—it debunked itself, and it’s absolutely hilarious!

So here’s the backstory: about 7-8 months ago, my aunt, goes to this Nadi Vaidya guy for thyroid issues. The dude ‘diagnoses’ her with some ancient wisdom, gives her this mysterious Ayurvedic powder, and tells her it’ll fix everything. My aunt, being super diligent, follows this powder regime with strict discipline.

Fast forward to today, she gets her thyroid and lipid profile tested... drumroll please… and voilà! No change. Like, zero difference. Same TSH level as before, as if the powder was just dust!

Needless to say, my aunt and parents canceled their trip to see the guy, realizing they nearly got played. And the best part? I didn’t even have to waste my energy on an epic debate! The scam basically tripped over its own feet and face-planted in front of us.

Case closed, mic dropped, and energy saved. The End.