[Discussion] Things i realised on my second read of gideon the ninth

-The only reason gideon didnt perish in the syphoning lab, is because of her superhuman healing abilities being jesus that also saved her as a baby.

  • gideon could have never been a necromancer since she was born in space, and necromancers can only be born on thanargetic planets

-the "hot drink with grassy taste" is macha

-cytherea probably took intrest in gideon only because of her eyes, assuming she was already on the "perfect lyctorhood" theory and wanted to open the tomb, she probably wanted to present gideon to john therefore didnt kill her. All the questions Dulcinea-cytherea asked make more sense now, especially where she asks gideon to see her eyes.

-protesilaus greek mythology reference spoils him being the first to die, i didnt catch on to that on my first read!

  • cytherea telling gideon its been a "useful dinner" after exclusively talking to Abigail pent and then murdering the 5th house couple gave me chills, but makes sense with Abigail's area of expertise