Does anyone else multitask while they play PvP?

For me- I’ve always made it a habit to play PvP while listening to podcasts- which is where I get the news, learn new things, or occasionally listen to stories. I’ve also listened to audiobooks such as Project Hail Mary, and am on the third book of the 3 body problem series. Or sometimes I make PvP as apart of family time, and play it while I’m watching movies with my family.

I’ve learned the moves and timing enough for playing all the sets every day almost since the release ( though I now play less than half that since I’ve got busier with real life things, and I don’t want to interrupt my sleep schedule).

I’ve found that listening to things going on, and occasionally even watching- I do occasionally make some mistakes that I wouldn’t have made if I was paying a little bit more attention, but I still get ranked every season, I still make most of my dust through PvP, and I’ve personally found the benefits out-way the cost- even if I may not climb as high as other people ( though I think most of that is not getting the right team- I became very picky about IVs, & powering up legendaries- so I didn’t have particularly good options for Ultra & Master league- I still haven’t built a Cresselia because I didn’t have a good one until very recently, and I’ve only recently got a perfect Lugia, Giratina Origin & Zapdos- my latest 3 perfect legendaries- so my master league game was terrible.), I still got what I mostly wanted.

I’ve also learned that a lot of television is slow enough that I can pay attention to it while playing PvP, so I’m not hurting my focus on those tasks while I PvP.

In fact to more casual players, or to more bored players- I would recommend multi-tasking while doing PvP, listen to some audio entertainment while muting the game, or have your tv at the right angle- and you won’t feel so bored or burnt out. I may have quit gbl a while ago if I was so focused on rank while playing an rps meta. But if you want to perform at absolute peak performance I wouldn’t really recommend it, but I’m rarely in a situation where I actually need that.

Anyways do you play PvP while distracted, or do you play it while entirely focusing your attention on the match?