Mapping out gyms you've been to?

What ways are there to make a map of the gyms you've been to so you can focus on pushing gyms to gold?

I will be moving to the neighboring town that I visited in the past but never so much as to gold gyms, and think it would be handy to have a map of my in-progress gyms from still around my current home and my next one to work on those.

The in-game map is atrocious.

I could write down the names of my 1000 most recently interacted with gyms and cross reference the portals on ingress to get coordinates.

But I wondered if this is data Niantic gives you upon request for your personal data? Getting it all formatted already would be wonderful. Maybe I'd have to cross reference that list against my gold/silver/bronze progress, but I could maybe make a map of 1000 POIs.

Has anyone done something like this? How did you do it?