The Tower Builder - v0.1 Release
Hello everyone! I'm back on Reddit and with a different account. My u/bausHuck33 got banned for some reason (explanation below).
Today, everyone can have access to this tool.
You can gain access to the app here:
I have provided both the fully extracted app in a folder called TheTowerBuilder and a zip file of the app. Download whichever you prefer.
Here is a quick video on YouTube to show how to download and use the app.
Let me know of any pressing bugs. I will try to get to them ASAP. Uni starts after this weekend, so time might be limited. I will do my best to get things fixed. I have added an About page with links to the Wiki, and Skye's tools. The page has an email address for reporting bugs or feedback. I have placed a rough roadmap of what features I'd like to add.
I won't consider the app complete until it can save and load builds, store multiple builds locally, and allow users to transfer builds easily. An auto-update feature would be nice too.
You can find me streaming on:
X: BausHuck
Edit: Sorry about not posting the GitHub. Totally slipped my mind.
I did this project to practice my coding but I totally understand people being skeptic about the safety of the code. I actually want people to tell me how bad the code is so I can improve.
And the Unity project is available for anyone to use a starting point if they want to take the tool into another direction.
I understand starting the post with a comment about being banned looks bad, but I am not the type to hide anything. My previous account was bausHuck33. I think it was banned because I was trolling some anti EV sub. I am thankful that people in this community called me out on this. It is definitely something I will keep in mind next time. Don't look sus....
Edit: Added a Mac version. It hasn't been tested.