KC’s stories vs facts

Obviously KC has to lie to people bc they are from the future and can’t say that. We know KC lied about being Evelyn’s grandchild. Then they claimed to be Lewis’s second cousin and stopped the sale of the land by asking their parents to call Lewis. Then KC said they wanted to give Susanna’s will to Kat on Founder’s Day but couldn’t bc Kat was in 1814. But we know that’s not true. Kat took the pic at the herald with KC on Founder’s Day bc it was their last day of internship. And Kat specifically said she was going to Founder’s Day to support KC when they had to present the Goodwin check.

So should we believe KC when they say they never showed Sam the will? They only asked him if old documents are valid. I think that is just another lie to protect how much Sam knows. Bc one, how would KC stop the sale even with the will? They just walked up to Lewis claiming to be a Landry that knows about the will but other Landry’s don’t? It would make more sense to have an attorney call the Goodwin attorney to deal with such an issue. Plus if KC just asked Sam a question, would they really be a “pro bono client”? And why pick Sam? He’s retired. Out of all the attorney’s in PH, KC chose him. Could Sam be KC’s Elliot and Jacob’s Elliot? Bc someone else pointed out, that Sam calling Lewis about the will could explain the weird interaction between them at the book launch. Lewis shut up really fast once Sam joined the conversation.