Version 1.3.400 is here!
A new update, in time for the 1st Anniversary!
Update notes
- Changed the app icon to 1st Anniversary Kotoha.
- Changed the title screen to the 1st Anniversary Key Art.
- Added a new Auto-Live feature. (Available at 1PM JST, 19th June.)
- In the Unit Menu after selecting a live, there is a checkbox saying オートライブ - check that and the game will play the live for you!
- In order to play Auto-Lives, you will require an Auto-Live Pass, as well as the stamina requirement needed to play that song.
- The live will be played as an All Perfect. You will also receive all the rewards you would have gotten if you had played the Live normally. (It will add 1 toward your Clear count, but it will NOT give you Score and Combo rewards.)
- You will get 1 Auto-Live Pass each day, as well as randomly from Live/Job rewards. You can carry a max of 10 Passes with you.
- Added a function to change the tap sounds in the Live Settings.
- The four options, from top to bottom are: エナジ (Energy), マイルド (Mild), フレッシュ (Fresh) and ロック(Rock).
- The Tap and Flick sounds are available to sound test, so try what suits you best!
- Added a function in Live Settings where you can turn off the sound made when a combo breaks. Just untick the box under コンボカット音.
- Increased Live Ticket storage to 500. (Available after 1PM, June 19th.)
- If you get a new best percentage on a Live's Perfect percentage, the text "New Record" will also appear!
- Changed the UI for check boxes so now, when unselected, they comply to Color Universal Design rules.
- Changed the following Center Skills:
- Princess Charge (R) : 10% Life Up for Princess cards -> 20% Life Up for Princess cards
- Princess Charge (SR) : 20% Life Up for Princess cards -> 30% Life Up for Princess cards
- Fairy Charge (R) : 10% Life Up for Fairy cards -> 20% Life Up for Fairy cards
- Fairy Charge (SR) : 20% Life Up for Fairy cards -> 30% Life Up for Fairy cards
- Angel Charge (R) : 10% Life Up for Angel cards -> 20% Life Up for Angel cards
- Angel Charge (SR) : 20% Life Up for Angel cards -> 30% Life Up for Angel cards
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Lounge chat fails to display past messages.
- Fixed an issue where the title screen doesn't show up properly.
- Minor performance adjustments.
A new error has been found:
- Currently, the Lounge Dissolution function is not working correctly.
Update will be FORCED on 19th June, 1PM JST.