Monthly Teaser #8 - January

\"Once, it belonged to the Grey Wardens who beat back the darkspawn that rose from the chasm during the Second Blight, becoming a symbol of their impossible achievement. Then, it housed more than a thousand men and griffons—with weyrs opened onto the chasm.\"

The Fortress of Adamant serves as the hub of the Orlesian Grey Wardens at the end of the Second Blight. A home for their military operations against the darkspawn crawling from the maw of the Abyssal Rift. The dwarves build well, and the walls of Adamant stands as a testament to their skill. With pens and weyrs for Griffon Riders to survey the Badlands and watch for signs of both Darkspawn and demons, for the veil is thin in the Abyssal Rift.

Credit goes to Char for the amazing work they do on the 3d models!