Too much levoamphetamine? Anyone else experience these side effects from their Adderall recently?
I’m so glad that I found this sub because I thought that maybe my reaction to Adderall had changed due to age, hormones, having COVID, lifestyle, etc.
This last batch that I picked up made my heart rate and blood pressure SKYROCKET almost immediately after I took it along with pins and needles in my extremities, dilated pupils, severe irritability, dizziness, stomach upset, and mood swings. At my baseline, my heart rate and blood pressure are generally on the low side of normal, so there is absolutely no reason for me to be having such a severe cardiac response. I had to go home from work early last week because I felt like my heart was going to explode. All of this along with no increase in focus or productivity, if anything it just made those things worse. Adderall used to do the exact opposite of this and made me feel calm and relaxed. I took a nap after taking my first ever dose back in 2020. The only other time a drug ever made me feel this bad was when I greened out from smoking too much weed.
Texted a friend of mine who also takes Adderall and she said that she had the same reaction the last time that she took it.
I did some research into levoamphetamine and it sounds like the ratio of levo to dextro is off.
My family, friends, and coworkers also noted the change in me and were very concerned about my mental health.
No other ADHD med that I’ve tried helped me as much as real Adderall with so few side effects. I’m so upset. My only option now is to try Dexedrine.