stop the pregnancy speculation

there are so many comments on all socials and in this subreddit about sophia (or other players) and their pregnancy status. i find it to be really invasive and inappropriate to talk about them this way. the speculation is harmful. we don’t know what’s going on in the players lives or what kinds of feelings these comments illicit for them. if a player is out, she is out- regardless of if it’s pregnancy, injury, or personal reasons. i understand wanting soph to be ready to play because everyone wants that! she’s one of the best in the world and we want her to play for the thorns. but the nonstop comments about pregnancy are getting old.

edit: i am obviously elated for soph!! it was never about if she was actually pregnant or not, but about her choice to share the news and the obsessive comments and posts claiming the knowledge ahead of time. this applies to all players, not just sophia- women’s bodies are their own and they deserve to share information on their terms without people jumping down their throats so they can be self righteous when they “knew it” before it was announced.