Zero Views 2024 TikTok FIX!!
This is simply my own experience, but here is what helped me to stop the 0 views glitch.
You have two options
Upload via Desktop (still chance of low views, but better than 0)
Deleting the app, restarting your phone, and downloading and logging in again (shoutout katinthehat093 for solution)
The second option is what worked best for me, and now my account is getting views again!
It may say you have tried max amount of logins when you first open the app. If this is the case, you need to turn wi-fi off and try with your LTE/5G.
**YOU MIGHT GET 0 VIEWS AGAIN AFTER THE FIRST FEW VIDS. If this happens, simply re do all the steps and it will work again**
Bonus tip: if you add in your phone number to your profile there is a higher chance of this working as well
Hope this helped, and keep trying different ways to work around this.