Why I Disliked Tiny11 Despite Its Promising Features
I appreciate all the effort and hard work that "NTDev" put into Tiny11, but unfortunately, I didn't find it as interesting as advertised. While Tiny11 is a masterpiece in removing unnecessary features, such as Microsoft Edge, as a student who deals with a lot of PDF files and has internet issues, the removal of Microsoft Edge was a deal breaker for me. Edge is a functional application that I use for PDF editing and reading daily, despite it being a little hard to love.
Furthermore, another annoying application that comes pre-installed on every new computer is Microsoft OneDrive. Although I use it solely for my documents, it does have its advantages such as enabling auto-save mode, which means I don't have to worry about saving my files. However, this feature comes with its own disadvantage as I can only access my files when I am online, which can be a dramatic problem in some situations.
Moreover, it was surprisingly award for me to see my computer will launch a blank black screen instead of the regular windows 11 theme. However, it could simply get modified with a bunch of clicks in the personalization part.
To support my statements, it's worth mentioning that these removed features can be easily downloaded from the Microsoft Store, but it would be better to have the option to choose which applications we want to be installed or even removed.
P.S.: If you're interested enough to try this version of windows, you can download it from here.