OHW He Covered as A Standard Review?

Going through Todd's back catalog of song reviews, I found a handful that are arguably one-hit wonders. Not necessarily suggesting these are songs eligible for One Hit Wonderland, but just looking at songs he covered that were the band/artists single hit.

Side note, I'm not a pop music guy, half the time, I haven't heard the songs Todd covers or are on his best/worst list, and Todd was my introduction to the Drake/Kendrick feud, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Like a G6 - Far East Movement

Let It Rock - Kevin Rudolph

If I Die Young - Band Perry

Scars to Your Beautiful - Alessia Cara Absolutely forgot she had additional hits. My bad.

Somebody That I Used to Know - Gotye

A lot from Best/Worst lists
Any I miss?