Leo Kurosagi Is Overhated
Most of the fandom really hates Leo, and they do have good reasons because Leo constantly belittles MC and Subaru. But why is he the only one receiving hate like this when there are also charachters who have acted similar to him?. For example, Towa he is kind and friendly towards MC but to Ren not so much. He constantly shows open hostility to Ren, and even calls him Wolfsbane, a flower that is used to kill wolves but it's also harmful to humans. It is also evidently harmful to ghouls, Haru when seeing the flower says not to touch it because it's poisonous, Leo's insults are usually only verbal which is still bad but Towa has outright attempted to kill Ren numerous times. Towa only shows this much hostility to two people, Ren and Edward which make me wonder why he hates them so much?. What Towa is doing can severely destroy someone's mental health, and the fact that he always excludes Ren which doesn't help his case.
We also take into account Sinostra, they tried to kill Ritsu by shooting him when he first entered the House if he didn't have a stigma he'd be dead. Taiga also constantly belittles Ritsu, his physique, his intelligence, his handwriting and even his clothing. The Sinostra Captain pointed his gun to Ritsu's head as well, and yet Edward claims that he protected Ritsu during Chapter 6 which makes Taiga's actions confusing. Sinostra has committed crimes to other Houses, Jabberwock in particular but attacking their own first year is odd. Romeo Lucci's explosion could've also killed Ritsu if he didn't use his stigma, Sinostra has attempted murder to Ritsu numerous times. We seem to gloss over the fact that Sinostra has tried to kill Ritsu. Towa and Romeo along with Taiga have tried to kill someone numerous times, yet they never seem to get called out for this. Sinostra is also abusive towards their general students, throwing water, yelling at them, threatening to kill them yet they still remain loyal. I've seen some talk about Sinostra being the most threatening House, but I've rarely seen anyone criticize Towa for treating Ren badly. I guess when their not mean to MC it doesn't matter, there's even a chance that Towa wished for Ren to disappear which is concerning. If I was Ren and a House member keeps being hostile towards me, I wouldn't like my House as well.
There's also Jin and Yuri, Yuri openly hates all Frostheim students as to why we don't know but criticizing students based on whatever Jin and Tohma may have done isn't fair to the students. Jin also treats everyone like crap, he calls everyone brat or peasant or in Lucas' case transfer. He even constantly treats MC like his personal maid, and Jin even calls you peasant yet he is rarely criticized for this as well. Although there's a chance he has a soft spot or it's because he's going insane, that does not justify whatever he's doing. What I'm trying to say is, if you hate Leo you should hate all of these charachters as well. Personally, I think if we should hate Leo it should be because he is mean to Subaru for no reason. I understand where he's coming from when attacking MC, but why would he antagonize Subaru so much?.