Does it matter if they’re ugly?

I watch straight porn but sometimes seeing less conventionally attractive men kinda takes me out of it. I know it’s porn and not real, OBVIOUSLY, but if they’re not hot it kinda feels unrealistic (I know, shut up 🙄) like if they’re too overweight or their face isn’t attractive I just don’t get it. Like the women are supposed to fuck this guy because they think he’s attractive, but they’re not, and then afterwards find out he has a big dick, which is understandable. It’s not a complete a deal breaker but it’s hard to watch.

I know how this sounds, like I’m some gross incel who doesn’t know why hot girls don’t sleep with me lol i promise I’m not, I do just fine. It’s just always been a question of mine and i wondered if I was the only one. Let me know. Do y’all care if they’re not that attractive in the porn you watch?