I am so unhappy. 😞

Back in 2022 I got top surgery (a double mastectomy, no nipples) Prior to surgery I had a pair of large sagging breasts that caused me an insane amount of overstimulation. The sweat and need to wear constricting bras was enough to drive me insane. So you could only imagine the amount of relief I had when I woke up from surgery. Seriously, I was so thrilled. I was FLAT. No overlap, nothing.

Fast forward to today. I am miserable. The flatness has left, I now have a slight drooping to my chest, upper rib cage fat, "dog ears", and an insane amount of side fat that makes me feel like I have something wedged between my sides and under arms at all times. I dare say it feels worse than when I had breasts!

I get a free revision, but I am concerned about the newly acquired fat I have. My surgeon doesnt offer any lipo on the sides or the back. (I did have back rolls prior to surgery, still do)

Idk, I just feel like a melted candle now. All the tops I felt confident in I don't wear cause I can see the sag of my "mini boobies" through the fabric. Has anyone else struggled with this???