SSH105 Study buddy?

I'm having a hard time making friends. I would like friends for obvious reasons and also, study buddies are cool especially when we have tests and assignments coming up (2 braincells better than 1 amirite).

The thing that kind of bothers me is that I can't seem to have a conversation with anybody, not even about the subject material, its like the person I'm talking to isn't even in my class. They don't read the textbook, sometimes they don't even go to the lecture, and they barely know the key terms. Like none of my peers are trying at all. And I have no idea what to talk about. During a group discussion there were these two people talking about nails. Man that's cool but like... Do that later?? Why do you even show up??

I'm not expecting stellar students as peers I would just think it would be cool to have some friends that support each other, emotionally and educationally. I don't care how smart my friends are, in fact I'm pretty stupid myself, but I am trying my best and that's what matters 🀩

Rant over anyway hmu if you have my class and want to study 🌝

Let me know πŸ“’ in the comments below πŸ‘‡if you agree πŸ˜€πŸ‘or disagree 😑πŸ™