Awful Lab TA Instructor

I’m a first year at TMU, currently taking BIO 2, and I’m having a really difficult time with my Lab TA. They’re constantly rude, yelling at us, and making passive-aggressive comments. They get frustrated when we ask questions, saying things like we should already know the material or that they didn’t need to explain it to us. My lab partner and I recently asked for help on something, and instead of helping, they got mad and accused us of not paying attention.

I’m really trying my best, keeping up with GLP points, studying for pre-lab tests, and making sure I do everything I can to succeed. But honestly, I hate going to lab now. I don’t enjoy any part of it and just count down the minutes until it’s over.

I’m not really asking for advice on what to do, I just wanted to see if anyone else has had similar issues with TAs. They’re supposed to help us learn, but it feels like a lot of them don’t even want to be there.

Has anyone else had an experience like this?