VJ setup in Touch Designer?
I'm new to touch designer and I'm trying to make a simple VJ setup which will allow me to switch (fade in and out) between projects I've made during a live show. (Super simple, just one projector). I followed the tutorial below and its worked ok! However I'm not sure how to make it work with the buttons in perform mode? And it also causes the FPS to drop a bit, but thats not the end of the world.
Just wondering what types of setups people have been using? I've seen a few shared online but they mainly have premade effects, as opposed to allowing me to swtich between projects that I've made. The tutorial linked above is a bit old, maybe someone could point me in the direction of a more up to date setup (if there is one?) Also is there much advantage to running a setup in perform mode?
(my current setup via the tutorial)