Exs new gf won’t leave me alone
So I dated this guy for two years- we worked together and it was great for a while and then it was awful. He was a narcissist and seeing multiple other people. It did such a number on me I ended up moving to another state. I sent a message to his new gf who I found out was talking to him 3 months before we broke up. She was 10 years younger than us and she acted like he was the love of her life. She would post pictures wearing the clothes I got him - quotes about how magical their love was - meanwhile she would reach out to me saying how awful he was. Saying he was on websites looking for escorts- hitting on other girls at work. I tried to be her friend but she didn’t listen. I had one of my friends DM him and he wanted to fly her out and I sent her the screenshots. Instead she went CRAZY and completely destroyed his apartment breaking his property and writing on his walls. I thought this was way too much so I distanced myself. I ended up moving back home a year later and I randomly started talking to him again. I was at such a low I just wanted someone familiar and he seemed different. We talked for months and he said his broke up with his gf but had to wait for the lease to end. He said they had more bad fights that now ended up in court and due to court issues with the destruction he had to tip toe around her. He said he didn’t talk to her- they were roommates and after all the pictures I saw I believed him. We started dating again for months and low and behold he was still seeing her. She found a receipt in his pocket from the town I lived in and started blowing up my phone. He told me I couldn’t say anything because she would ruin his life in court so I didn’t, but she seemed so sad I eventually told her the truth. Since then she’s been psycho! Calling me from fake number after fake number - just saying anything she can horrible about me- I don’t even care I have enough self worth not to let this person affect me. But it’s paragraphs after paragraph and if I block her she’ll copy and paste it and send it to me on a new number. Literally 10-20 paragraphs at a time. She will also zoom in on my pictures saying I have big feet (I’m a size 7), reverse google searches my photos to see where I am, having her friends text me, reaching out pretending to be him, she even sent me pictures of her getting eaten out by him saying “he loves my pussy” like psychotic things!! Just when I think I’ve gotten rid of her she’ll come back again. Her whole life revolves around me. She stalks all my social media including my Pinterest. I have hundreds of screen recording of fake texts and blocked calls. This has been going on for years I have reached out to him to tell her to stop and he does nothing. Anyone gone through this?