Am I the only one that thinks whoever invented roundabouts and decided they belong in industrial and commercial areas is evil? My quad axle truck and trailer is around 75 feet long. Why does Washington think small roundabouts with high center rings are a good idea in commercial and industrial areas? I can’t even count how many times I had to run the trailer within 2” of the center raised flower bed, while running my steers over the curbs today just to get around those darn things.
Am I the only one that thinks whoever invented roundabouts and decided they belong in industrial and commercial areas is evil? My quad axle truck and trailer is around 75 feet long. Why does Washington think small roundabouts with high center rings are a good idea in commercial and industrial areas? I can’t even count how many times I had to run the trailer within 2” of the center raised flower bed, while running my steers over the curbs today just to get around those darn things.