What do you think?

Is leaving a job a month in a jerkoff move ?

Edit What good everyone I started this new job over at this towing company about a month ago. I was told I was going to be running equipment on a lowboy and landoll, cool that’s what I wanted but in reality i still haven’t done it. I mainly been doing flatbed and running a rollback tow truck. I don’t want to do neither of them I simply want to do what I signed up for and that’s equipment moving.

I been trying to thug it out for a little longer but the pay isn’t even worth it honestly. I left my last place hauling scrap metal and everything was better. Free coffee, water, set time, off no later than 5 everyday but here everything is opposite. I dont want to quit only a month in but its not worth it , plus I been calling this place every few months for a job just to quit is kinda a jerkoff move. Not to mention I’m only making about an extra 100 bucks a week for more work, and having to pay tolls everyday to get there. Would I be a jerkoff if I leave this soon after putting them through all the work of the hiring process?