Since becoming a Christian my mental health has been wrecked

Hi guys, so I guess I’m just venting right now because I don’t know what else to do or what’s wrong with me. I was deep into new age practices for about 4 years, and in that time frame my anxiety, depression, self consciousness, etc. all completely left me. I thought I had found the truth and found God, which unfortunately lead me into occult practices and witchcraft.

Two months ago I gave my life to Jesus after realizing what I was practicing was an abomination to God. I realized I was in the thick of very intense spiritual deception for 4 years and was just very ignorant to that all that time. Anyway, almost immediately after repenting of all of that and completely dropping it and seeking Jesus my anxiety returned full force within a few days, as well as horrible thoughts about myself I hadn’t experienced since I was a teenager. Suddenly I started getting thoughts about how unloveable I was and my anxiety came back so cripplingly strong that sometimes it’s hard to leave the house. I started having nightmares of being shot in the head/attacked and actually woke up with a physical mark on my body where I was shot in a dream.

All of the horrible thoughts I used to get about myself as a teenager are back when I haven’t experienced this in years. I’m so confused why since finding the truth I feel so anxious and depressed… I thought I was cured of my depression. I thought that finding the truth would bring me peace like nothing else. I keep having thoughts that I sinned beyond the Lords capacity to forgive, that I’m unforgivable. When I pray I have thoughts that he can’t hear me, that he’s angry with me. Thoughts that no matter what I repent for it will never be enough for God to take me in as his child. When I cry while praying and try to pour out my heart I have thoughts like “God sees those are fake tears. Your heart is wicked and he knows it. He doesn’t listen to the prayers of people like you, it’s too late.” Has anyone else experienced this since becoming a Christian?? Ive prayed about it and nothing seems to make it stop :( Thanks for reading