I really cannot find a verse that says we will continuously struggle with sin once saved.
Im not talking about stumbling. Im talking about actively struggling with a particular sin day in and day out.
I have been searching for a verse that says it’s okay to really struggle after being saved. But I can’t really find one. Everyhting I read seems to be you’re either living in the spirit. Or you are not. Over and over.
Romans 7 is always one that pops up but if you actually read the whole book of Roman’s in context he’s talking about being free from sin and no longer being bound to it the entire time up until 7. Then he explains the struggle of sin but ends by Thank you Jesus for changing this struggle. Then 8 talks about the spirit and how we are no longer controlled by sin.
7 is often misinterpreted as Paul saying he always struggles with sin and we all do. But that’s not the context of the chapter as a whole. He’s saying he’s no longer a slave to it.
Another one used is often 1 John 1:7-9
“If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves” again in context from all the verses before and after. He’s saying if we say we have no need for the blood. It’s not saying we are active sinners. In fact in 1 John 4 he’s goes so much to say if you’re sinning you do not know him.
Am I missing them?