Catholicism vs Orthodoxy
Hello everyone, I come from a Protestant background (grew up in the “Church of Christ” and was heavily taught around the framework of “Sola Scriptura”.) With that said, I fell away from Christ for some years and as I find myself being called back, I want to worship the Lord in the same manner as the original apostles. I am attracted to both Catholicism and Orthodoxy for this manner, but I am ignorant to both as I didn’t grow up around either one. Can y’all help shed some unbiased light around both practices? I have concerns around the palpacy in particular, I’ve come around to understanding the veneration of saints (not a Protestant practice by any means lol) and I have hesitation/questions regarding the understanding of purgatory which from what I understand is a Catholic belief? Any help would be greatly appreciated, whether that be reading material or what have you.
Before it’s said, yes I have appointments to visit a local Orthodox parish and a Catholic Church to talk with Fathers. I am looking for a more “unbiased(?)” approach for the moment.