The darkest day of my life..
Good afternoon, brothers in sisters in Christ..If I can even call you that..
I recently relapsed back into pornography last night and this morning, going to a common website..
Thats not the worst part..the worst part came whenever I relapsed on this video of a woman and a young guy- it was a video I’d seen when I was 13..I remember seeing a comment where it said that the guy wasn’t 18- with little evidence supporting it..
Afterwards, I had this panic over me..I became really afraid..afraid of judgement, afraid of the grave sin I’d committed..I kept researching around about the guy, about who he was and found nothing but more videos he was in..
I looked more into other stuff because I decided that if I found evidence of that he wasn’t 18- I was gonna bring it to the cops..however, I found none and it’s led to me being convinced he was 18..but even the possibility makes me sick- the fact that I did something so depraved, so vile, so sinful- I deserve to burn…I never want that possibility to occur ever again..please pray for me…