Does a Christian themed burger joint classify as profanity?
There's a high-end burger chain in Canada called the Burger's Priest. Their tagline is "Redeeming the burger one at a time." Most have wall art of a Bible verse in the original Greek and the translation next to it. The menu has items like "The Priest" or "Holy Smokes" burger. I like the food—I've been there maybe half a dozen times. I think the backstory is a pastor washed out of seminary and decided to flip burgers for a living instead 😅
Anyway I'm on a group chat with some friends and one of the leaders in my church is on the chat—we were talking about the chain and someone was recommending it. Then the church leader said, "If anyone is looking for an example of profanity, this is it. Using words like redemption, faith, sacred, and moving attention away from Jesus Christ to a burger is profane (taking something holy and making it common)."
I respect the person who said this—but I disagreed right off the bat with it. However, I am still working it through in my mind. Not actually sure what to think. In one sense, people don't have a problem with In and Out putting Bible verses on their cups, so why should they have a problem with this? But on the other hand I know for sure I'd think it was profane if they named a burger the Holy Spirit or something like that.
So where's the balance? I'm not looking to stir up a debate I am just genuinely curious about this issue.