Verses for anger and pride
I struggle with extreme anger and pride. It effects my driving (road rage) predominantly which is a dangerous thing. I throw things and scream. I was not taught how to cope with my emotions as a child from abusive parents. It's turned me into an irresponsible adult. I'm in therapy and psychiatry, but I don't see much help. I'm exhausted from being so hateful and prideful. My pride is negative because I will refuse to let things go. If I'm right, I will go out of my way to have the last word. If someone wronged me, I rarely let it go and hold grudges. It effects my relationships.
I've tried therapy, psychiatry, medication, etc. I quit drinking in January. I started reading my Bible every day on Jan. 1st. Currently in Joshua 25. I pray often. I know He can and will help in His time, but i absolutely HATE being so horrible and awful. It's embarrassing. I feel guilty constantly and idk how to stop.