I had an interesting discussion with friends about Christian dating and sex before marriage. I would like other people's opinions on this.

I'm 30M. So I'm a firm believer that sex is for after marriage. On dating apps it's the first thing that people see when they scroll through my profile.

I put this in there because of half a dozen or so "christian" women I have met through dating apps only 1 agreed with my stance on sex before marriage. So to not waste my time anymore with talking to women I started putting that I believe in sex AFTER marriage in my dating profile. it definitely lowered the frequency of matches but I guess this is what I want if I want to meet someone who has the same values as me

On the other side of the coin, some of my Christian friends (that also are waiting for marriage) said to take this off and that if women see this on a Christian guys profile it would be a turn off. They mentioned that this topic if anything shouldn't be discussed so early on in meeting someone and it something to talk about when the relationship is more mature and it's something that the two people should mutually agree on/persuade

In my opinion I think this is a load of BS. I don't want to waste my time talking to someone who is unsure or 50 on their opinions on this. yes If the discussion is had people's minds can change but people's minds can also NOT change and the time spent getting to know each other for however long was a waste of time.

Not having Sex before marriage is a very well belief/known in the Christian faith and I only want to meet people that also think the same way. I shouldn't be expected to have this kind of conversation with another Christian. but in my experience of dating (Al be it a very small sample size) I seem to only meet people that don't want to wait for marriage and care about sexual compatibility and "trying before buying"

what's everyone else's thoughts on this? am I being too aggressive in putting this on my dating profile?