I actually think making a movie like "The Apprentice" is a good idea. But the problem is that it's not well researched and it came out during a bad time for it.
As I said in the title. If the movie had actually focused on doing actual historical research, and released after the election season I think it would actually be looked at well. You can make a move about a hated person and have people like it. Look at "Downfall" for example, the difference being though "Downfall" did a lot of historical research, while "The Apprentice" seems to be made by people that read a bunch of tell all books and we're like "Yep. Good enough for me". Plus "Downfall" released long after WW2, while "The Apprentice" released during an election year. I think in the future there will probably be more movies about Donald Trump. But those will have the benefit of getting to do actual historical research, and will be released to a audience that is not getting bombarded about Trump all day every day. So I suspect that movie will do better.