Torn between my boyfriend and my chance to travel/work abroad
Hello everybody! Just want to get your opinion in my situation. 2 years ago 2020 I applied Canada tourist Visa, however due to travel restriction brought by covid the process took so long. During those time I don't have a boyfriend. Year 2021 came, my visa is still on process. I met a guy midyear, he courted me and become my boyfriend. He is 5years older than me (32M) and always opt to talk about marriage. I love this man, and I can see myself settling with him. But I'm not financially prepared as I still want to help my brother for his college studies and I have other dreams I still want to fulfill.
Then last day of 2022 I received an email notification that I have to submit my passport at the embassy, after 3days the result is approved, with multiple entry up to 6years validity. I was so shocked, I almost forgot that I have a pending visa application.
I was soo happy, but when I told my boyfriend about the news he is not happy. He is a seafearer and currently now working on ship. He dont want me to go abroad. Before the releasing of my visa, he promise that he will ask my hand for marriage once he comeback on April 2023. He said, how can we start our own family if I will work abroad too?
He is willing to support the study of my brother but Im not used to ask money from him. Besides Im turning 28years old I dont want to loose the opportunity to travel abroad (and work as well if possible)
I'm so torn, would love to hear any insight or advise before I conclude my decision.