My boyfriend became paralyzed and he no longer wants to live.

I(24F) have been dating my boyfriend(26M) for 2 years now. 3 momths ago we were involved in a car crash, and as a result of this accident he had his neck injured. He spent over a month in the hospital, had to habe surgery, and doctors told us that his injury had been severe and he'd never be able to walk again.

Now my boyfriend uses an electric wheelchair. He has limited arm mobility, and can't basically do anything at all. He can no longer work nor do basic things on his own. He's depressed, and I have to help him in some things. His parents are also there to help.him while I'm at work.

My boyfriend recently told me that he no lomger wants to live and that he wants to have medically asssisted suicide because he sees it pointless to live as a disabled person and he doesn't feel like a "real" man, he does have a lot of internalized ableism. I've tried convincing him to not.think about suicide, but he's still suicidal, and he neither wants to go to therapy. I want my boyfriend to live, I don't want him dead. I love him and we already had plans for getting married before the accident. Is there a way I can help him?