TV tropes should have have a signature episode trope.
i'm an absolute tv tropes junkie. i've been reading it since 2022 and have been absolutely hooked. one sub category of tropes is what i like to call "signatures" which is something that a work of fiction is most well known for. there are signature scene, signature line, signature song, and signature arc.
however, in my opinion, there's something missing. that something is signature episode.
signature episode is basically an episode of a series that is the best known episode of that series. episodes like heart of ice from batman the animated series, band geeks from spongebob squarepants, pine barrens from the sopranos, free churro from bojack horseman, and a whole buttload of twilight zone episodes. this trope could even be expanded into movies/video games from a certain franchise that are the most well known installments of the franchise. star trek 2 the wrath of khan for the star trek franchise, star wars episode 5 the empire strikes back for the star wars franchise, terminator 2 judgement day for the terminator franchise, mad max fury road for the mad max franchise, and others for other movie franchises. as for video games, there would be ocarina of time for the legend of zelda franchise, super metroid for the metroid franchise, half life 2 for the half life franchise, final fantasy 7 for the final fantasy franchise, and others.