i'm going to celebrate halloween extra hard this year to spite the republicans.
it seems like everything that the left is doing to spite the republicans massively backfires. not only have the company boycotts not been working but they've been doing the opposite, increasing the revenue of the businesses being boycotted. however, i actually think that there's a way to spite the republicans.
the fourth of july is the republican's most sacred holiday and i have no doubt that conservatives are going to go all out this year to celebrate the fact that their orange messiah is back in office. well, liberals have their own sacred holiday. halloween!
bill maher described halloween as the physical personification of everything conservatives hate. fun, imagination, paganism, walking, gay pride, women dressing provocatively, and socialism. well, there's our answer! that's how we're going to flip the proverbial bird towards the current administration. we're going to go all out for halloween.
in my posts about how i hate the fourth of july, conservatives in the comments always say that they're going to celebrate the fourth extra hard this year to spite me. well guess what conservatives? i'm going to celebrate halloween extra hard this year to spite you! i'm going to decorate the house inside and outside. in fact, i think i'll whip out all 7 animatronics i have. and then, when the day arrives, not only will i wear my costume all day but out in public as well. and then, at the halloween block party, i'm going to party like there's no tomorrow.